Opens up a lot of other questions - do great teams make great players? Should post-season be open to more teams (go right down to the mediocre teams like hockey)? In Halladay's case, if this is a great injustice, is it best rectified by making him a Red Sox (singular - Red Sock?)? I don't much care for that.
I just wanted a site about baseball without any celebrity personalities or soapboxes. After a game, I usually want to talk about it. Usually when it's a loss, I don't want to read about it, or watch highlights, but sometimes I just want to express myself. I figured that if I kicked things off by firing off a game-related question -- just whatever comes to mind -- this site could be a place to do that.
I usually post a question after each game, or the next morning. Usually it's about the game, and when the Jays don't play, it's about some other game or baseball related event.
This site is just my thoughts or reflections in a brief question form. You can say what you want about them in the comments.
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This is one HEAVY question.
I'd probably have to go with the fact that a guy like Roy Halladay, so fucking dominant, may never play in the post-season. Ever.
Opens up a lot of other questions - do great teams make great players? Should post-season be open to more teams (go right down to the mediocre teams like hockey)? In Halladay's case, if this is a great injustice, is it best rectified by making him a Red Sox (singular - Red Sock?)? I don't much care for that.
The greatest injustice in baseball is not steroids, gambling, or what you speak of...
You know what it is?
It's the fans. Maybe not you and I, but mostly, it's the fans.
Because the fans determine everything in the end, don't they?
Nice. I hate to keep adding questions, especially if they are rhetorical, but I guess it's what I do...
So, if the fans determine everything, and they are the "injustice" (or at least the source of it), can we take them away and have a "just" game?
(isn't that sort of like if Barry Bonds fell in the forest and nobody was there to care about it?)
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